Friday, July 9, 2010


Good news. We got 3.5 inches of rain late yesterday! There is a possibility of more later today. It is amazing how rain just lifts the spirits!

I did my morning walk-about and it seemed the corn had grown overnight. This was taken in the backyard garden and is hybrid sweetcorn.
From Backyard Garden

I found a few small pink tomatoes on one of the volunteer plants in the backyard garden. I am guessing it is Pink Ping Pong.

I checked out the new garden and took a few pictures. The cows were all around it but so far, they respect the hotwire.

It is difficult to get a picture including everything so I did it in sections.

The west side, two rows of tomatoes:

From New Garden/Orchard

This shows the cows grazing and the pumpkin and sweet potato end:
From New Garden/Orchard
From New Garden/Orchard
and here you can see the little pole beans I planted a week or so ago at the base of the corn stalks:
From New Garden/Orchard

I found so many beetles on some plants that I mixed up Sevin and sprayed. If it gets washed off, maybe I will get some kill anyway. They have done a lot of damage on my pole beans already.

Well, off to the kitchen to finish cooking down a couple more jars of plum jam. That will complete the harvest. I picked them this morning.

Lunch is going to be what Mom called goulash. It is a hamburger, chili, tomato sauce, macaroni dish, not Hungarian Goulash. We love it and now we can have a lettuce and tomato salad with it.


  1. So glad you have had rain, and a decent fall at that. Surely does put the bounce back in your step!

  2. Oh how I envy you that drenching rain, Glenda. I know that it will perk up your spirits and give a big boost to your gardens. Hope your beetles are abating....

  3. Hi Glenda,
    I'm glad you had a nice rain. We've had more than usual this year.

    Your gardens are looking great. I hope the rabbits are finished eating the sweet potatoes for the season. I've lost a lot to them this year.
