Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Geese are on the Move

I woke up at 2 AM to a gently falling rain.  We had the window open and there is a metal awning over that back porch.  It makes a wonderful sound when it rains.  It has been raining off and off ever since.  I got up at 4 AM.

I doubt I will get any outside work done today even though it will be our last warm day for a while.....time will tell.
I would like to pull the tomatoes off the strawberry gardening mistake of the year.

The Farmer's Daughter had a wonderful picture yesterday of the geese migrating and it reminded us that we hadn't seen any so far.  When DH went out yesterday evening to do chores, he called me and said go outside and look up.  There were l00's of geese moving southeast. Some were in formation and others in a straight line.  We love to watch them and hear them each year.

It was hard to get a good picture without using the contrast edit because the sky was so dark and cloudy.


I did milk and she gave me a full 2 gallons and I saw traces  on her hips so I do believe she will have a calf approximately 9 months from now, actually around September 9.  I will watch her beginning around 20 days from now.  We just left the bull in the field with her...

We have been out of beef for some time.  I may have mentioned that my dear (greedy) husband did not cut out two for home use when he sold calves last time! Well I found a beautiful rolled chuck roast in the meat freezer yesterday and I almost got giddy.  I do miss my beef!  I will be having his Mom out for Sunday roast beef dinner.  I think Sundays are her loneliest days of the  week.  I haven't decided on dessert yet.  Either my white cake or Ilene's Hot Milk Sponge cake with  frozen strawberries.


  1. Good morning Glenda ~ How neat to see and hear all of those migrating geese. I love watching birds.

    We miss beef too when we don't have it for awhile. We eat a lot of beans and rice, chicken, fish, Italian sausage and chorizo, some ham. We try to make the meat last for several meals instead of eating large servings of it. It works for us.

    It's mild here this morning but looks like rain. It's my last day at work today for the week and I'm already looking forward to puttering around here. :-)

    Have a great weekend and a nice dinner with your MIL. I know it will be delicious!

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

  2. i thought your pictures were scanned in and had scratches on them - then i realized they were hundreds of geese in the air! we do see geese this far South East but never more than 10 or 12 - i cannot imagine how awesome it must have been to see so many at one time.

  3. The geese never seem to migrate south from here NE OHIO) anymore. They are here all winter. When I was a child they (back in the 50s) they migrated each year and the sky was filled with skeins of honking geese. Your pic reminded me of those times.

  4. When we lived in N. Illinois, the Canada Goose was a HUGE pest. They never seemed to migrate either as there were plenty of golf courses with ponds and they just hung out there. My grandfather actually ran a small business that dealt with the removal of the geese on properties like park districts, golf courses and airports.
    Now that we've moved to the Ozarks, we only occasionally see a handful near the lakes. And now it's nice to hear / see them flying overhead in such great numbers. I've been hearing them the past several days, but not seeing them because of the cloud cover.

  5. I love the geese, too. When the neighboring ponds and lakes were full, they would fly back and forth between them and our house was in the path. They amaze me the way they migrate every year with such order and coordination. Can man truly have domininion over the wild animals? Seems to me like they will survive longer than the human race.

  6. Oh we love hot milk sponge cake and I too usually serve it with strawberries! And a good cup of hot coffee!

  7. I love to watch the geese. You got some great shots! Have a nice weekend and thanks for the mention.

  8. I love seeing and hearing geese migrating. It is a beautiful sight, and sad and meloncholoy at the same time (for me). It always reminds me of how time is passing and I am getting older. I sure enjoy your simple, comfortable blog. Have a great day!

  9. Good thing the geese are moving out of your way! They flock on your property and leave a nasty trail. Can't believe you waited it out instead of calling for bird removal new jersey
