Friday, August 10, 2012


Yes, hard to believe, but we got another rain just two days since the last one.  We got 3/4 of an inch and it was wonderful!

I caught some quick pictures with my little Canon.

This is taken from the dining room porch,

and this one out the back door looking to the driveway,

I feel a change in the early morning air.......

Yesterday was one of my least favorite kind.  Shopping.  We made a Wal Mart run since we were needing some odd things our local store doesn't carry.  By the time we have circled the Super Center, we are both bushed.  I then hit the local Dillon's to buy King Arthur Flour (25 lbs this time).  Hopefully, I won't have to go again for a long time. I also loaded up  on multi-grain pastas.

I tried three new things this time.  I bought my first jar of Nutella.  I know I am years behind but this is the first time I have seen it on shelves.  I had it spread on home-made 10 grain toast with a glass of milk for breakfast.  It is tasty but I doubt I will buy it again.

I was out of honey so I studied the selections more carefully and this time chose a large jar of 'raw' honey.  Makes me wonder is it all heated or refined unless it says raw?  I need to research that.  It tastes very good but with a slightly different taste than what we are used to.  I use honey in my breads so I use a lot of it.

Then, I splurged and bought a whole fryer that wasn't Tyson.  It was from some farm and is what I would call organic but it wasn't labeled as such.  Just listed, all real grains, no by products, range grown, no hormones or antibiotics.  I am frying it today.  We will decide if it tastes better.  We have been getting some very tasty chicken from Tyson lately.  I am not sure if I will pay double for this new one.
Time to join DH on the porch swing in this lovely, cool and dark morning.  He just made fresh coffee and poured me a cup.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's raining here today as well...I never thought I'd complain about rain after the summer we've had, but this timing is hard. We were hoping to fill silo today. The corn is drying quickly and needs to be harvested NOW. My kids LOVE Nutella...they were intoduced to it by their cousin who lived in Germany. I try not to buy it very often, because it gets eaten way too fast! Enjoy your rainy day!

    1. Alicia, I understand completely. We all respond to the weather according to our own needs and farming comes first! When we get our hay up; I think 'let the rains come' now......

      Hope you got the silo filled.

    2. We got the silo filled...only one day behind in schedule, and as it turns out, it was a little wetter than the test indicated. So...all is well! :)

  3. Hi Glenda - cool and dark here today too. There is a sprinkle right now and we're looking forward to a day or two of intermittent rain for this system. Glad you got something worthwhile out of your clouds. :-D

    I use raw honey (unpasteurized) - has more nutrients. I'm with you on the Nutella - I had a jar once. It was okay but not enough for me to buy another.

    Hope your cool temps hang around for a while - enjoy your weekend.

    1. It was 57° here this morning! What joy. I will do some mowing today.

  4. We have gotten a little rain, not much to put a dent into the drought, but whatever is sent, is appreciated.
    The air here has started getting cool in the mornings, in the 50's, just a few days ago, and it is so wonderful. I can take a cup of coffee and sit out on the patio and not sweat in five seconds. There IS a change in the air.
    My garden is starting to die down. The cuke vines are slowing down, and I am just waiting for Romas to ripen and finish them up. They are slow so I freeze them until I get a batch to process and then wait again. This year's garden is a bust.
    Please enjoy your cool weekend, I know I will.

    1. I found a volunteer cuc vine in the compost pile so I will be having fresh ones soon. God bless volunteers! The other vine is a goner.

      It will be too cool for me without a long-sleeve shirt this morning. Isn't that wonderful.

  5. That hummingbird feeder (I assume that's what it is?) in the first pic makes it look like you have a flying saucer in your front yard. LOL I had to look twice.

    Ditto on Nutella. I was... edible. But nothing greater than that.

    Yes, you can pretty much count on any honey, that's not labeled raw, having been pasteurized and highly filtered. One day, when you're really bored, do some further searching on it. A good majority of commercial honey in the US is not only pasteurized & highly filtered but it's also "cut" with illegal Chinese honey that has been filtered in ways I don't even understand, so as to take out all pollen and other minute things that make honey traceable. If you're buying honey just for the sweetness, you may not care that it has lost most of its honey traits and may be based on corn syrup, etc. If you want any of the health benefits of honey, you're better off going with a local beekeeper. (Search out your local beekeeping association and ask them for a referral in your area.) I really should do a blog post on this...

    1. Please do a post on honey! I would keep hives, but I swell so badly if stung by wasps that I am afraid to. I used to have a good source for local honey but no more. I will check out the beekeeping association.


      This honey is much darker and I do see little things in it. I use it for sweetness but still don't want any 'empty' calories if I can avoid it.

  6. Er, I mean IT was edible, not I was edible. LOL

  7. Rain, glorious RAIN!! We've had a little here also, nothing to crow about, but still better than nothing.

    And I'm just a bit behind you on the Nutella thing. Never had it, not even sure exactly what it is, but I've been seeing it all over the internet in recipes or just blurbs about it. Maybe I'll pick up some next big-town shopping spree. I've been sucked in by their marketing and rampant consumerism I suppose :)

    1. I found it at Wal Mart. I like the hazelnut flavor but the chocolate thing on toast just doesn't do it for me!

  8. Dear Glenda ~ Your rain photos look so refreshing and I'm sure you and all the land and plants enjoyed what you got. We're supposed to have thunderstorms today, tomorrow and Sunday. Right now it's gray, windy, warm and very humid.

    We shop at SAM's Club for some things and I can buy all-purpose flower and bread flour in 25 lb. bags, I believe they are both around $7.

    I need to check into the raw honey. We like it on our cereal and in our herbal teas. We do have some local bee keepers, so I need to check that out. There is a Hispanic grocer that carries bee pollen and honey by a local bee keeper so I'll look next time we go there.

    I figured out the cost of a whole fryer, vs. deboned, deskinned chicken breasts and the whole chicken was not any cheaper considering what you you have left after bones and skin have been removed. I know that you can't make chicken broth from the breasts, well at least not as good, so that's a draw back. I don't fry chicken, haven't for years. I cook it in a little olive oil, or butter, or sesame seed oil, depending on the dish. Perdue and Tyson chickens are good. I don't know of any organic chicken farmers this far south. Plus, it just wouldn't suit our budget these days. :-)

    Your sit on the porch in the early morning with a fresh cup of coffee with your DH sounds wonderful.

    Have a good weekend and thanks for leaving a comment on my video. I appreciate it.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

    1. We don't do fried chicken often, but I was raised on it and we do crave it periodically. Since it is just the two of us, I am not quite as frugal as I once was.....shame on me.

      I cover all the bits and pieces of fat, skin, back and ribs with water, season and boil until it falls to pieces. Skim and then have the broth.
      Sometimes I bag and freeze all the leftover pieces and then do a pan full at once. I just fry the meaty pieces.

      Have a good weekend.

  9. We can only get a tenth or two at a time here. Glad someone is getting rain, tho! I'm behind the times because I haven't tried Nutella yet. I've seen it called for in different recipes, maybe I'll give it a whirl one of these days.
    Enjoy the cooler temps and your weekend!

    1. I found it at Wal Mart. I just wanted to know what all the talk was about. Maybe its a regional thing? It is made in Canada..or mine was anyway.

      I will look for a recipe to use up the jar......I prefer my honey, butter and peanut butter spread on my toast.

  10. Go enjoy your coffee with DH AND the rain, Glenda! It just began raining here...nice & steady so far...:)JP

  11. No rain for us in Mid MO. Just 8 miles away, was rain and storm damaging winds. Guess we didn't pay the preacher enough.

    I feel the same way on Nutella, one jar and that was enough for me.

    A cup of hot coffee sounds pretty darn good right now.

    Have a great weekend!

    1. The rains have been very spotty. Some got 1, 2 and 3 inches out of our last system. We seem to be in the 1/2 inch zone!

  12. Congrats on the rain. None for us yet. Fire in Osage county yesterday, the county right next to us. I haven't heard yet this morning whether they got it out or not. Weatherman says slight chance of rain Sunday and then again Wednesday and Thursday. He says his "model" sees a "big rain" coming. I hope it will include us if it comes.

  13. I hope your weatherman is right! We passed two big burned out areas going into town yesterday.

    I think we are in line for more rain Wednesday doubt your same system. Our weatherman says the weather pattern has changed and will return to more normal and with rain! It is 57° here this morning.

    We are headed out to the porch swing now.

  14. I bet you loved seeing that rain. We had rain a couple of days ago, but it could rain here for a week and we would still need more. My garden is pretty much done..
    Hope you see more rain soon. Maybe we should get out and do a rain dance.
