I can feel it in my bones.....and in the warmer weather and with the dratted time change!
Is taking over more of my thinking these days. I checked my planting calendar and saw I needed to plant eggplant(Amadeo). I also planted Pow Wow Berry coneflower (echinacea) and lavender Munstead. I would really like to get a nice bed of lavender going. It isn't easy to grow in our humid summers but once in a while I can get a few plants to take hold.
The ground has thawed some and that leaves a muddy top few inches which is very annoying to walk through. It also tracks up the back porch and kitchen.
Finally the daffodils are coming up in various places.
I want to get out and scatter all old saved flower seeds in some bare places. Hopefully some with germinate.
I lost two hens during the last cold spell, Found them dead inside the hen house with a small wounded area on their backs. I just assumed they died of old age and the others cannibalized them. They do that you know. But then a couple of days ago DH opened the door to the coop and staring him in the eye was a possum. We have no idea how he got in unless he dug under the foundation on the field side. (I need to check that). DH dispatched him quickly. Then the next night we found this in one of the two traps we have set: I think this is what happened to my two hens.

He is playing dead in this picture; they do that you know but they are vicious little beasts if riled.
I found where a skunk had burrowed under the foundation which is why were were smelling skunk and blamed Sugar for getting too close. So far, it has avoided the trap, but we think it is gone since we aren't smelling the sent now. I have covered the hole. This is a hide and watch situation.

Is taking over more of my thinking these days. I checked my planting calendar and saw I needed to plant eggplant(Amadeo). I also planted Pow Wow Berry coneflower (echinacea) and lavender Munstead. I would really like to get a nice bed of lavender going. It isn't easy to grow in our humid summers but once in a while I can get a few plants to take hold.
The ground has thawed some and that leaves a muddy top few inches which is very annoying to walk through. It also tracks up the back porch and kitchen.
Finally the daffodils are coming up in various places.
I want to get out and scatter all old saved flower seeds in some bare places. Hopefully some with germinate.
I lost two hens during the last cold spell, Found them dead inside the hen house with a small wounded area on their backs. I just assumed they died of old age and the others cannibalized them. They do that you know. But then a couple of days ago DH opened the door to the coop and staring him in the eye was a possum. We have no idea how he got in unless he dug under the foundation on the field side. (I need to check that). DH dispatched him quickly. Then the next night we found this in one of the two traps we have set: I think this is what happened to my two hens.
He is playing dead in this picture; they do that you know but they are vicious little beasts if riled.
I found where a skunk had burrowed under the foundation which is why were were smelling skunk and blamed Sugar for getting too close. So far, it has avoided the trap, but we think it is gone since we aren't smelling the sent now. I have covered the hole. This is a hide and watch situation.
Glad you got your chicken killer(s). Opossums are our number one chicken-killer here and are dispatched without a blink of an eye.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I can smell SPRING in the air! And smell the mud...oh, all that mud. Better than freezing temps and snow though.
Spring has arrived! I actually worked outside a couple of hours this morning.
DeleteThe ground was very 'moist' when I dug some iris. It needs a few days of sun to dry out.
Sorry for the loss of your two chicks but not sorry to hear about the loss of two possums.
ReplyDeleteHappy Spring dear Glenda ~ FlowerLady
P.S. ~ Fleabane daisy is the name of the flower in my header picture.
ReplyDeleteThank you! That grows naturally here. I thought I recognized it.
DeleteHope your possums don't have a large family living close by! You might want to keep the trap active for a few days just in case.
ReplyDeleteOur temps are finally rising here in northern MN. Up around 30-32 above the last couple of days. Temp was about 29 when I headed out this morning to drive the 9 miles one way to restock our fresh, raw milk supply . . . but chickened out and came back home after about 3 miles. We had a little snowfall overnight, just enough to make the roads super-slick. Too many cars/trucks fishtailing (going too fast) and having difficulty stopping at intersections. I don't worry so much about me putzing along in my little 4-wheel drive, but I sure don't want anybody else to slide into me! Ah, (pre)springtime!
I am feeling like Spring has arrived here. I actually worked outside this morning.
DeleteDH always says he isn't worried about his driving; it is the other fellow that scares him!
Jewel calved; wish you were near. I should have excess milk if I can't find a new baby to put on her.
Those possums are a mess! Last summer we caught a mamma and her three babies in one of those traps. Most often though, it's ground hogs that cause us the most damage.
ReplyDeleteGround hogs are the worst. I think we have only caught one groundhog in a trap and I can't tell you how many times DH has shot and missed. We have a resident gh living under the concrete floor of an outbuilding. I think it is what steals my fruit each year.
DeleteI hate possums, I cannot count how many we caught and got rid of at the trailer park. Then my parents lost three cats and the neighbors lost two small dogs to what we later found out was a sick possum, which we caught and dispatched right in the yard, with a silencer on the 22. He was sick and mean. We have them around here, but have not had any problems yet, but if we do, we will do the same, trap and dispatch.
ReplyDeleteWe are starting to get some warm weather, very little if any snow or any moisture at all. Very dry and we are now in grass fire watches.
Take care and enjoy the week.
Welcome back! I suspect we will never be rid of the varmints but you have to be on alert at all times for them. I am down to 8 hens now.....
DeleteOh, I hate possums! They look absolutely devilish in the face and give me the creeps! Not to mention all the havoc they cause.
ReplyDeleteWe have a huge skunk in the neighborhood, fortunately it has not been in my yard or garden. We smell it often. If I were my neighbors I wouldn't let my dog run loose. For the meantime, I guess we still have a rat or two. Dammit.
Well, we don't have rats.....yet. I used to see them scatter when I was brush-hogging with the tractor. The skunks seems to have moved on and no more possums so far.
DeleteI'll join the better-dead-possum chorus! I'm going to have to replenish my lavendars too--to awful winters back to back sure take a toll on some perennials (the deer take care of the rest! *sigh*).
ReplyDeleteSo far my lavenders are looking good and lots came up. I will guard them closely. Sugar drug off the flat of seedlings last year!
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about your chickens. Those possums can be real boogers when it comes to farm birds. Oh no, a skunk under the foundation. Hopefully....you'll catch the skunk and it's family if it has it soon.
So far, the blocking of the hole has worked! I finally found where the possum was getting under the pen fence. The hole was worn slick from that little devil. We are down to 8 now......barely keeping us in eggs.
DeleteI wish I could have chickens but we are not zoned here in this town. I think if I had them, they would also die of old age cause I would love them so much I could never kill them. Oh well, it's probably for the best. We have a possum living under our shed this winter. I've been feeding it, I feel sorry that they can't find food. We had over 9 feet of snow this winter. Slim pickins for the animals!
ReplyDeleteWelcome Jean. You may be too tender-hearted to live on a farm! My girls die of old age because I am too lazy to slaughter and process them.....not too attached. Just kidding but you do have to develop a tougher skin dealing with all the varmints,.