Started May 20
First, it is raining a gentle rain this morning after getting 1/4 inch late yesterday evening. I was up a little later this morning, 4:30 AM. DH was up right after and got the first pot of coffee going.
I moved to the dining room porch where the swing is to enjoy the morning. So far, not a single car or truck has gone by. All I could hear was a few birds singing. I love the country silence. DH joined me and I reminded him that is why we live in the country.
This looking east from the swing.
I finally got the rest of the garden plants in. Tilled and prepped 5 short rows for the sweet corn. I wish now I had planted it, but the sun was getting hot and I was getting tired.
I also hoed out the onion rows between the plants; sprayed gly-4 around the edges of some beds to try to control Bermuda Grass. I know it is a lost cause but I keep trying. I treated my surviving 4 roses with a systemic treatment for everything. Something had already eaten the leaves leaving only a skeleton behind.
I hope the rains will wash the treatment into the soil.
Last planting will be more pole beans (Fortex) and sweet corn (Bodacious) and then the war will begin on weeds surrounding everything.
DH reported back this morning after checking the herd that a baby was born dead. That is part of farm life; it doesn't happen often thank goodness but it is part farming.
I have been trying for over a year to get someone to paint our outbuildings and things kept falling through the cracks. We finally found someone and the day he showed up to begin the job, he told us his painter had quit!!! I reminded him I had $700 worth of paint in the garage and he assured me he and his FIL would finish the job. They came the next three days and worked until it got really too hot, around 2 pm. There is still some left to do but he has another job to finish first that he took on before us. I get really tired of hiring people and having them act like they are doing me a favor to "squeeze" in my job between all their other work! He came, he saw the work and he told me his charges ($20 per hours) and we hired him. I don't consider that a favor. At least what he has done seems to be quality work.
Milk Parlor:
Garage Doors:
and the well house; he is to rebuild the cover for the pump later.
and now here is the not so good part: He didn't use any drop paint on ground but tons of old paint from pressure cleaning before painting,
This is the prepped front of the smokehouse,
and this is what is in my flower bed,
Our granddaughter is begging me to let her paint it red! The more I think about it the more I am thinking I will let her paint just this south wall and then do an Amish symbol on the peak. Have I lost my mind?
To excuse them, they lost their true this isn't his expertise, he is a journeyman electrician and does service calls in the afternoons when he finishes other work. Note: he also broadly interpreted my telling him to remove or trim anything that was in their way of painting. He cut to the ground my lilacs along the east shed wall behind the well house! I take part of the blame for that error.
I am going to have some guttering replaced on part of the buildings. I want to have everything ship shape at one time.
Other good news is it began raining late yesterday afternoon and in a period of an hour or so we had two inches of rain! Unbelievable. Of course, the the hayfields are very tall and will be laying on the ground now.....been there; done that before. We all needed this rain badly.