We have been having little showers but only 1/4 inch so far. It is extremely windy with gusts up to 39 mph.
We are under a Tornado Watch for this evening which means one of us will be glued to the weather forecast until it is lifted.
I milked this morning and she was a little stingy but no wonder. We had to take time before milking to cut away half my apricot tree that was blocking her ramp. I am sure that upset her; it doesn't take much! I fear the tree is on its last legs.
All I have done is a bit of extra house work. Moved the plant light stand back to the porch. Changed out my dining room quilt for another. Tried to clear off the countertops in the kitchen. I am trying to plan for some open shelving for the back porch which would let me move some things to the shelves.
Friday morning, May 31, 2013
We ended up with 1-3/4 inches total and this morning looks threatening. Storms are supposed tomove in this afternoon with 'heavy' rains possible.
I caught a brief period when the sun popped out showing the contrast with the dark skies to our north.
Hay season is going to be tricky........
Finally a lily is blooming. It is an Asiatic hybrid but the name escapes me.
The self-seeded somniferum poppies are opening daily. I love seeing what new wonder will appear.
Here is one that was a real surprise,
This is Lauren's Grape. She is staying true....maybe because she is at the front of the house where there are no other poppies,
This clematis is growing up behind Buff Beauty in the dining room foundation bed.,
I decided yesterday to change out the quilt on the dining room table. I have several that my MIL was going to pitch! She is a quirky woman! I took them all.
and a side view,
I saved the best for last. We had our first dish of strawberries yesterday! I finally have a short, but very nice row of healthy plants that are hanging full. I may have rushed these a little but the rains had me worried. They tasted wonderful.
I sent the helpmeet into town to visit his Mother; I am staying here to bake some l0-grain bread.
We are under a Tornado Watch for this evening which means one of us will be glued to the weather forecast until it is lifted.
I milked this morning and she was a little stingy but no wonder. We had to take time before milking to cut away half my apricot tree that was blocking her ramp. I am sure that upset her; it doesn't take much! I fear the tree is on its last legs.
All I have done is a bit of extra house work. Moved the plant light stand back to the porch. Changed out my dining room quilt for another. Tried to clear off the countertops in the kitchen. I am trying to plan for some open shelving for the back porch which would let me move some things to the shelves.
Friday morning, May 31, 2013
We ended up with 1-3/4 inches total and this morning looks threatening. Storms are supposed tomove in this afternoon with 'heavy' rains possible.
I caught a brief period when the sun popped out showing the contrast with the dark skies to our north.
Hay season is going to be tricky........
Finally a lily is blooming. It is an Asiatic hybrid but the name escapes me.
The self-seeded somniferum poppies are opening daily. I love seeing what new wonder will appear.
Here is one that was a real surprise,
This is Lauren's Grape. She is staying true....maybe because she is at the front of the house where there are no other poppies,
This clematis is growing up behind Buff Beauty in the dining room foundation bed.,
I decided yesterday to change out the quilt on the dining room table. I have several that my MIL was going to pitch! She is a quirky woman! I took them all.
and a side view,
I saved the best for last. We had our first dish of strawberries yesterday! I finally have a short, but very nice row of healthy plants that are hanging full. I may have rushed these a little but the rains had me worried. They tasted wonderful.
I sent the helpmeet into town to visit his Mother; I am staying here to bake some l0-grain bread.