We ended the last rainy episode with 2.75 inches. This morning is so humid but overcast...very, very foggy.

This is looking east where we usually can see the neighbor's big red barn....not so this morning.
I hadn't been to the garden since the girls came down (last Tuesday) and knew I had better check things out yesterday morning. I had left onions 'drying' on the mulch. The tops were getting slimy so we pulled the rest, ready or not, and hauled them over to the east sheds (in above picture). We spread them out over the flat bed trailer and hope they will dry before rotting!
I also harvested the tomatoes (our first nice haul), the squash and the pitiful eggplant that I will never plant again. I pulled a pepper or two for cooking with the squash.

I also pulled a dead summer squash plant. The butternuts are taking over the west end of the garden and look like I will have enough to last a lifetime......unless the squash bugs attack.
The sweet corn is almost ready. Probably be just enough to us to eat fresh.
It began showering heavily before we finished; we both were soaked and had to change completely when we came in.
My next project in the garden is to mow down (using the string trimmer) the onion row weeds. It will be too wet to till for some time. They are also promising more rain beginning tomorrow.....We now have 33 inches for the year and the total for the year last year was just 31 inches.....we are well ahead.
Pictures of the Farm
The girls took picture when they did the ATV tour so I thought I would post some. These are places I haven't been in ages.
This is a pond on the old farm (the acres we kept when we bought the farm we now live on).
Sugar had a very good time!

The same pond,

I think this leads into the 7 acre part of the old farm, but not sure.

About 2 acres of the above 7 is wooded,

More to follow.
Also a new experience for me......the girls talked me into it....sort of....an IPod. More on that later.
This is looking east where we usually can see the neighbor's big red barn....not so this morning.
I hadn't been to the garden since the girls came down (last Tuesday) and knew I had better check things out yesterday morning. I had left onions 'drying' on the mulch. The tops were getting slimy so we pulled the rest, ready or not, and hauled them over to the east sheds (in above picture). We spread them out over the flat bed trailer and hope they will dry before rotting!
I also harvested the tomatoes (our first nice haul), the squash and the pitiful eggplant that I will never plant again. I pulled a pepper or two for cooking with the squash.
I also pulled a dead summer squash plant. The butternuts are taking over the west end of the garden and look like I will have enough to last a lifetime......unless the squash bugs attack.
The sweet corn is almost ready. Probably be just enough to us to eat fresh.
It began showering heavily before we finished; we both were soaked and had to change completely when we came in.
My next project in the garden is to mow down (using the string trimmer) the onion row weeds. It will be too wet to till for some time. They are also promising more rain beginning tomorrow.....We now have 33 inches for the year and the total for the year last year was just 31 inches.....we are well ahead.
Pictures of the Farm
The girls took picture when they did the ATV tour so I thought I would post some. These are places I haven't been in ages.
This is a pond on the old farm (the acres we kept when we bought the farm we now live on).
Sugar had a very good time!
The same pond,
I think this leads into the 7 acre part of the old farm, but not sure.
About 2 acres of the above 7 is wooded,
More to follow.
Also a new experience for me......the girls talked me into it....sort of....an IPod. More on that later.
Good for your girls, Glenda and that same humidity was here for weeks and weeks! I certainly hope it doesn't last that long for you and the pic of Sugar is adorable...I did tell you that I love her, right?...:)JP