Tuesday, August 19, 2014

A New Day

It is  5:42 AM.  We are in the middle of our hottest weather so far and won't get a break for several days.  Still very dry. 

Our granddaughter left yesterday evening amidst tears from several of us.  Three neighborhood boys were here to see her off (and, thankfully, to load her car).  She will be back  September 14 for the PBR rodeo with her local  BF and there are the college breaks..............

I will spend today getting the house back to normal.  I  also need to put another coat of floor finish on the kitchen floor.  My work areas at the cabinet are down to bare wood  in a place or two.  I dread that because  it means more "down on my knees" time.

I have badly neglected the yard and garden the last few weeks and need to do some trimming with the  weedeater.  I have managed to respray with herbicide some regrowth where the yard crew did their cutting but that is all.  The heat doesn't encourage me to  do much outside.

Random Pictures:

Probably last daylily of the season with a visitor:

What DH enjoys on cool mornings:

and what he does when he is working:

This is a recently brush-hogged field (the dump field).



  1. You are so right about it being too hot to do much outside. I got a late start yesterday morning so only worked an hour, but I decided it was time to come in when sweat started to literally drip from my face and my clothes were sticking to me. I need to finish what I started yesterday, but don't know if I feel like it or not. We've not had rain for a couple of days now, which has been a nice break from the thunderstorms, but I need to watch my potted plants so that they don't dry up.

    What a nice place for your DH to sit in the cool of the evening, looking out over your farm.

    I don't envy you being on your knees. I can't stand being on mine, and I have to have something to lean on to get back up.

    I love your header picture.

    Enjoy your day ~ FlowerLady

  2. I love your new header picture.

    Yessss, this HEAT. 'Am so ready for fall.

    Your daughter's next visit isn't too far away--just a couple weeks. xox♥

  3. I meant your GRANDdaughter's next visit. ;)

  4. I went outside to hang a few things on the line and thought I'd do some work out there, but it was just too hot and humid for me. I hightailed in back inside. We've had a few foggy mornings and I just read that folklore says that foggy mornings in August means lots of snow this winter. Hope that prediction is wrong!

  5. Been watching your weather woes on the news. I don't envy you the hot humid heat down there. We are in for more storms today. Seems we all have too much of something weatherwise. Too bad we can't divvy it up better. I have a day lily like that - called Strawberry Fields and I like it a lot. It bloomed this year (finally) -- guess the deer missed it. Stay cool.

  6. Hi Glenna,
    It's been hot here, too, and different things have gotten in the way of my gardening. I see you are still doing lots of physical labor. That floor work is something I wouldn't have the skills to do.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your nice comment.
