Thursday, May 14, 2015

Planted At Last

I am still playing  around with header or no header....this one fits but is too large!  More changes to come.


Yesterday was a good day.  I went out fairly early and planted a row of tomatoes (two cattle panels long), all the many and varied peppers (I lost  my mind here!) and 5 eggplants.  I also manged a l0  foot row of Fortex pole beans.  I have still more warm season things  to go  now I just need to wait for the 'warm' season. We have had two pretty  cool days.

This morning wasn't promising for work but I did go out and feed the chicks, cleaned the nests and mowed the chicken yard and the west end of the garden area before the sprinkles arrived.


I cooked a pot of  white beans  and ham and made a small blackberry cobbler and tried a mincemeat tart instead of the turnovers.  The tart is easier and just as tasty.
From cooking


  1. I love your new header picture!!!

    I've learned that with the new blogger system, you have to resize your header picture like 75% to make it nicer for the header. Just play with the sizes until you get something you like.

    The pictures of your desserts make my mouth water. I need to cook up a pot of beans and ham too and then add kale to the mix.

    Have a great Friday and weekend ~ FlowerLady

    1. There's that kale again! I didn't plant any. I need to give it another try.

  2. Your header is great, your pies look too tasty. I planted two rows of Okra, can hardly wait to see them break ground.

    1. I forgot to buy okra seed! I need t do that. I like Cajun Delight.

  3. Glenda,

    I like your header picture, pretty flowers.

    Cobbler and pies, oh my!!!

    1. The devil made me do it! (the pies.....)

  4. Blackberry pie..?YUMMY...on my way!...:)JP

    1. Wish all of you lived where you could drop by!

  5. I planted Fortex this year, too, I need to go out and see if they've come up. Have some Provider bush beans pre-sprouting, also Adzuki and Garbanzo. My canned Lazy Housewife beans were kind of stringy, could be they crossed with something because they aren't supposed to have strings.

    1. I like both Fortex and Trail of Tears and a Romano type.

  6. I cannot find any Fortex beans at local nurseries and refuse to buy 1 pack of seeds online and have shipping nearly triple the price! (Have any extras, Glenda?) I'm drooling over that blackberry cobbler!! I have Google blogger shrink my header to fit the size I determined. Love the new header pic - so lush.

    1. Kris I splurged and got a very small package from Amazon where I have Prime so get free shipping, but the seed price was outrageous. I will definitely save seeds from the vines this year.
