Sunday, October 23, 2016

Chore Sharing

It is a perfect fall morning here.  Mid 50's and sun is almost up.  It will be a sunny day.

Well, day two of sharing chores is behind and it went well.  Of course I took my camera so have tons of cow pictures and some farm scenery.  Max just drove the farm truck and all gates were open so I only had to get out for some pictures; some were taken from the truck.

We got back and Jewel (the Jersey) was waiting for us.

Unfortunately, she decided she wanted to save the milk for her huge calf.  We just got one bottle.  We will show her! She was kept away from him last night again and we will milk this morning.  Surely she will let down and we will get a few bottles.

Max walked me through the milker routine again and then I went inside the parlor area and began the attack on the mess!  Max is great with the animals and set chores but he doesn't notice the surrounding things going undone.  It will take me a few days.  I already have a huge trash can filled.  I have a set of shelves to put up which will help with organization.

I did notice  that most of the farm needs clipping again and I am trying to talk him into having it done all at once.....I may have him convinced.

I will show some random shots of the farm:

This is one of the 'twin' ponds; the other is across the fence from this one.

This is a zoomed shot of the cow in the shadows above, drinking.

This above is what I will call the breeding circle.  When a cow is in heat, most young males and the mature bull will be circling her until she will stand still for him.  Bull is on left behind the cow.  I actually got a shot of him servicing her, bu twon't show that.

Our trees are just beginning to show color.  This is taken on the back 40.

The tall tree looking plant next to the house is a dwarf nandina bush that this year shot up to tree size.  I like it and will leave it be.
The one by the screened porch never gets over 4-5 feet tall which is the norm.

 This is the Korean Boxwood before clipping.  It was hiding the windows....I actually like it better this way, but it was getting out of control.
The new hedge cutters worked great.  It will look better in a few weeks when the stubby ends won't show quite so much.

Now a favorite rose picture.  This rose goes by several common names:  The first rose of summer; the last rose of the year, and Parsons rose.  It is a china rose and has been with me for many,  many years.  I keep my fingers crossed the mite that causes RRD doesn't find it tucked between the east building
 and the well house. 

 All for now.


  1. I love where you live. I wish we had bought out somewhere way away from town. But then I guess it could be a problem too, but I like to see your surroundings.

    1. What I like about our location is it is rural but very close (maybe l0 miles) from city limits and very close for ambulance service. We love living here; the best of both worlds.

  2. Scary, what you just went through. Fantastic, that you can pick up and do what must be done and Max can assist without exertion.

    I loved the tour and the cows. Farmer Danny keeps talking about putting cows on our place but so far he's strung up fence and baled the hay. Maybe when peanut season is over.... It will be pleasant to have cows we don't have to look after, just watch them grow.

    Cut some of the old Nandina canes to the ground leaving the tall one and some hearty ones and your Nandina tree will be an up-to-date wonder.
    I saw some boxwood pruned up as topiary trees in town this week in front of the local fancy town nursery.

    Take extra good care of yourself and Max.

    1. I like the idea of pruning the nandina. It is so bushy at the base it makes it difficult to get to the hydrant that is behind and near the ground.

      I hope you do get some cows nearby. I love watching them too.

  3. It is always a treat reading a post of yours, I love reading about and seeing your farm life.

    How nice to have fall colors and roses at the same time. That is one pretty rose.

    Have a GREAT week ~ Love & hugs ~ FlowerLady

    1. I have tried to get cuttings from that rose but, so far, have failed. I have lost so many roses to RRD. I have had this one the longest of them all.

      You have a great week too.

  4. So much greenery still at your place compared to our place where the majority of the leaves are already off the deciduous trees. Still lots of green with all the evergreens though.

    Love, as usual, all the pictures of the various spots on your farm and the animals.

  5. We are greener than normal because of all the timely rains. I am beginning to see lots of leaves on the grass (and there they will stay!)

  6. I loved this post, it reminds me of the time I lived in the country and sometimes I wish I still did. Our trees have been slow to change this year, it seems. But they are changing more and more every day. I love fall, my favorite time of year but it just doesn't last long enough! Btw, how do you keep your ponds so clear? Ours is full of moss and crud and we've tried the blue dye but that didn't help at all. Neither did grass carp.
    Have a nice week!
