Friday, October 14, 2011

Catch Up Time Again

We are still dry here even though the county directly south, Christin Co., got nearly 2 inches.

Mostly just routine farm stuff happening.  the new chickens are still trying to figure where to lay their eggs.  I have had two broken so far.  I had to put a wide board up for them to roost on.  We don't think they even had a roost in their previous home.  The minute I did that they were lined up on it the next morning.  Some are still sitting on top of the next box.....pooping of course! 

We sold calves Wednesday and glad to see prices are still very good.  Of course this means the store prices will be very high too.

We had to go to town one day and dismantle FIL's bed for a hospital bed.  He isn't doing well at all and I see a nursing home in the future.  She is 93 and just can't care for him.  She doesn't take advice at all so she will just have to figure that out on her own.

I had a small cheat on the no dessert routine and made an apple tart.  I thought well , just one crust!  So it is really diet food, right?

From Blog photos

I made this one with Golden Delicious apples and they were so sweet I added very little sugar to the tart.
I mixed maybe two tablespoons of sugar, some cinnamon and 2 tablespoons of flour with the apples before dumping them on the crust.  Then I drizzled a little boiled cider over them with a few pinches of butter added.

After baking I brushed maybe a tablespoons of softened apple jelly for a glaze.

Today's cooking project will be hamburger and hot dog buns.  I vow to master shaping these rascals the size I want!  No more baby buns...

I am playing with design again......bear with me, please.  I do this by experimenting; I have no idea how to  do most of it.


  1. The tart looks and sound wonderful, Glenda! I love the picture of the turkeys too! Diet? Why start now is my theory!...:)JP

  2. Love your new header picture Glenda! Your apple tart looks delicious and I love hearing about your chickens.


  3. That header picture is PROfessional! We are getting good at this blogging stuff, I luck into finding out/figuring out how to do most of it! Scared as a bunny to try anything new though! Oh Glenda, that tart is so pretty, Food Network pretty! You can do anything girl! Have a great weekend...

  4. I love your new header, Glenda. And that pie looks mouth-wateringly delicious. I could have a slice of that for breakfast. But shouldn't. Do you ever use Splenda in place of sugar when baking?

  5. If that tart is diet food please sign me up to your plan! Looks yummy!!!!

  6. That looks completely delish! One crust? Yes, that is diet food! :D

  7. Hi Glenda,
    Your new header photo is perfect for fall. Your blog looks great. I like messing around with the design features.

    I hope your young chickens figure out where the eggs and poop go. It's good you got a good price for your calves. I hope the "middle men" don't cause the grocery prices to be too high. Does that make sense?

    We got down to 29ish this morning. I have conjunctivitis, so can't go out and take care of the dead annuals yet. My eye hurts more outside. I hope it gets better enough tomorrow to spend some time outside.

    Oh, and I love the care you put into that one crust pie.
