Friday, August 27, 2010

Thibault's Table Give-Away Maple Cutting Board

I have been a follower on AnnT's blog for some time now and hope many of you will check it out. She is a fabulous cook and her recipes are wonderful. I have added two to my regulars now, no three: Bagels, Cream Cheese Danish, and Sweet Rolls.

She is now hosting a give-away of a beautiful maple cutting board. I hope you will check it out.


  1. Thanks for the tip, Glenda.

    And speaking of tips -- check out my sidebar pages. They have all been updated, even 'household adventures!'

  2. Hi Glenda. Keep an eye on my 'water works' household adventure post. Home Depot read it and is taking the event to heart. Let's see what comes of it. Do you have email?
