Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Nest

Our weather hasn't improved. We are having unseasonably cold temperatures and lots of wind. So far, the heavy snows have missed us and I hope they continue to miss.

I had a bit of a mishap in the barn during milking yesterday and the cow stepped heavily on my bad foot. Yesterday was very bad. I kept it elevated and used a cane and a walker to get around. It is much better this morning. I took mega doses of Vitamin C which DH insists on...I think it works.

I will be spending most of today in my corner in the kitchen, either knitting, crocheting or reading. My Dad called this area "my nest".
From House

The cabbages and onions I planted are beginning to come up. The broccoli hasn't yet nor the snaps. I have lowered the light to just above the plants.
From Gardening 2010
Inside, the amaryllis has sent up a second bloom stalk. I ended up with 5 beautiful blooms from the first stalk.
From Gardening 2010

I hear DH making another pot of coffee so off to my corner.


  1. Oh dear, I hope your foot feels better soon. I, too, have had mis-luck with my bad ankle during this week's bouts of snow moving and hope to resort to MY nest too. Y'know, I had no memory what your nest actually looked liked (only that I wanted one!) when I went looking for a nice used chair Tuesday and just brought home the comfy-est I could find. Bizarre, huh? LOL

  2. Yes,. mine is used too. I think I paid less than $50 for it. We have an $800 leather Laz-y-boy in the livng room for my husband and he wants mine!

    I have been in it most of the day and am reading a wonderful book 'Olive Kitteridge'.

    Sorry about your ankle. Hope we both heal rapidly. I don't have to be injured to use my 'nest' anytime I choose.

  3. Glenda ~ Bless your heart. I sure hope your foot feels much better soon. I think vit. c works also. I use it for muscle spasms, along with calcium/magnesium. Enjoy resting in your nest.

    Hope more of your seeds sprout for you soon. I've got some that have sprouted, but a lot more haven't.

    It is gray, very windy and chilly here today. We are supposed to get thunderstorms later. I mowed and weedwacked earlier.

    I feel ready for a nap now.

    Be well, stay warm ~ FlowerLady
