We had DH's folks out for Sunday dinner. I made my usual 24-Hour Refrigerator Roll recipe which makes a lot! I took enough out for dinner rolls and now have a lot of dough left in the frig. This morning I took enough dough out to make a pan of cinnamon rolls for breakfast. I don't do this often, I promise!
I pinched off a wad maybe the size of a grapefruit. While still cold, I rolled it out on the counter top (didn't need flour at all except for my hands). I made a small rectangle about 2 x 10 or so. Spread butter, brown sugar and cinnamon over and rolled it up jelly-roll fashion. Cut into 1 inch pieces and put in buttered pan. Let rise to double on top of range with oven preheating so it was pretty warm. Bakes at 400° for maybe 15 minutes. Iced with maple icing which is just powdered sugar, little maple flavoring, dab of salt, enough milk to make barely spreadable. Drizzled over warm rolls. Here is what we had:
I got this recipe from a local cooking show back in the 1970's. What I love is that you can make it a day or more ahead of a big dinner and don't have to make a huge mess in the kitchen the day of the dinner.
Overnight Refrigerator Rolls
I use my Kitchenaid Mixer with the flat beater for the 1 minute and then switch to the
dough hook for adding the rest of the flour. I then knead it with the mixer for about 5
If you want you can just mix the dough well by hand. Seal it in a tight bowl (very large)
and put in refrigerator without any kneading at all.
2 packages yeast
2-1/2 cups 105-115° water (feels hot on underside of wrist)
3/4 cups soft shortening (I use butter)
3/4 cup sugar
2 eggs, beaten
8 to 8-1/2 cups bread flour
2-1/2 teaspoons salt
In mixer bowl:
Add yeast to warm water; stir to dissolve yeast.
Add shortening, sugar, and beaten eggs; blend slightly. Add 4 cups of the flour and beat
one minute with mixer until smooth. Add rest of flour.
Spray top of dough with Pam or rub oil over., Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for up to 5 days.
If you want to make the rolls without refrigeration, you will have to either knead the dough in the mixer for 6 minutes or on the floured board for 8-10 minutes and then let raise until doubled, about l hour. Then punch down dough and make rolls.
This recipe can be divided into thirds and make the following:
Dinner Rolls - make up in your favorite shape. Let rise to double and bake at 400° for 20 minutes.
Doughnuts: Roll out 1/3 dough to 1/2 inch thick. Let rise on floured surface. Deep fry at 360° for 3-5 minutes turning once.
Coffee Ring: Make walnut size pieces. Dip in a mix of 1/2 cup sugar and 1 teaspoon cinnamon after dipping in melted butter. Layer in Bundt pan sprayed with Pam. Let rise and bake.
Note: You can also make the dough by hand just stirring it all together with a large
wooden spoon. , spray top with Pam, seal with plastic wrap and refrigerate. I have a large plastic bowl with a snap on lid that I use and don't use the plastic wrap. When you bring it out of the frig, let come to room temp and then form into rolls, don’t let the dough begin to rise again. Just let it get warm enough you can work with it.
I have also made cinnamon raisin bread from this dough and think I will try just a standard bread loaf with the rest this time...just to see what it does.
Sounds yummy :-)