Monday, March 29, 2010

Little Pleasures of Life

From Cattle and other animals

This is one of them. The babies all grown up now love to visit through the window with me when I am at the computer. They use the porch swing as their personal gym set. They can get that thing rocking so much I fear it will hit the side of the house. The black one (a she) who still has no name is the most curious of what I am doing. The other is a Bengal-type cat who I have named 'Zelda'. She loves to climb up the corner post of the porch where I have a clematis planted. I am still trying to capture that event....she comes down faster than she goes up.

The other two join them now and then. There is another black one and a gray one.

We visited the in-laws yesterday and the already had company so we didn't stay long. They are doing well. We took them 2 dozen of the excess eggs.

Today's Plans (maybe if I put it in print, I will be obliged to do it)

1. Plant pepper and tomato seeds
2. Check and see what flowers I can plant
3. Broadcast older seeds in front ditch
4. Divide nepeta
5. Do a tour of the yard and gardens
6. Get mower, tiller, string trimmer up and going (actually this is DH's job)
7. Paint the cane bottom chair and drop-leaf table painted (white).

That's enough; I won't get nearly all that done. This is milking morning. The table and chairs will just be done when I get time. Both will need oil primer then a coat of enamel.


  1. You are so smart! I love this peek into your life, and I envy you the sweet kitties keeping you company. It's pretty lonesome here, only the birds and me.

  2. Goodness! Sounds like a full day ahead for you, Glenda. Pace yourself, girl! :-D

  3. What a sweetie pie Glenda. She wants to be inside sitting in your lap. :-)

    You sure had a list of things to do today. I hope it was a great productive day.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady
