Serious measures were called for so I broke out the battery powered sprayers. One is just a 15 gallon one I use for pesticides and diseases and the other is a 25 gallon one for herbicides.....yes, Virginia, I do resort to these things were push comes to shove!
I read the malathion label and it listed Japanese Beetles so I mixed up 5 gallons of it and sprayed most things. I need to pick the pole beans before I hit them again.
Went back to the orchard and sprayed those trees. The beetles don't seem to care about the peaches.....sprayed them anyway. I also took time to water all the trees again.
Back to the barn and mixed up 5 gallons of glyphosphate to spray some areas that I can't trim. Ran out of spray before I really got finished but I stopped anyway.
I noticed that the beetles are dropping off the roses by the back door either dying or dead. At last something that works. It may be the hose-end products are too weak a solution. I never trust that kind of spraying.
One of the glads was covered with the darned things.
Thursday Morning, July 7, 2011
Up at 3 AM again. It is overcast today so I plan to try to trim the front ditch with the string trimmer.
By 6 AM, I rev it up and begin. I was able to do both sides of the drive. I should have taken before and after pictures, but I didn't so I won't take one now.
It is not a thing of gardening beauty! It began a light shower when I was about half finished but I was determined to get it I wouldn't have to 'look forward' to it again.
I came in changed clothes (I blow grass all over me when I trim...maybe because I am left handed?)and made a new pot of coffee. DH is out on the porch swing right next to my desk. I cracked open the window so we could chat if need be. It is still showering but very, very lightly.
I will have to re-spray.........I don't really mind because the malathion seemed to give a very good kill. I did pick up two traps yesterday afternoon when we went to the feed store for salt blocks for the cows. I will put them up some time today.
We stopped by the library yesterday before the feed store. Our location is perfect for us: 20 miles from Springfield, 5 miles from a new library and wonderful local super market and maybe 7 miles from a hardware and the feedstore.
What more could a country gal want!
I am thinking about make bread again today. I haven't decided exactly what kind yet.
Summer Flowers
This is a test.
The same daylily growing in diferent locations. Can you see a difference?
Oh my! This lily is absolutely gorgeous, Glenda!!! I laughed right out loud when you got out the heavy ammunition for those darn beetles!! You are right, 20 miles from a city and 5-7 to local stores is perfect! Perhaps, my new "corner" will be similar...:)JP
ReplyDeleteYou have such a wonderful collection of lilies and daylilies - they certainly thrive for you.
ReplyDeleteAs for the b4 and after pics of the ditch, I'd rather see pics of b4/after of the gardener! LOL By the end of the day my knees are filthy, dirt and compost on my clothes and grass in my shoes. Now there's a real pic for ya.
I love the passionate attack, like a superhero. Those beetles will do that to you. Also love the color of that lily. Beautiful.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful lily! The bugs are terrible this year in Kansas squash bit the dust and they're hitting my beans. The biting flies are terrible too! Wow you're 'wonder woman'...sounds like you've been busy but your place will look wonderful and your flowers and veggies will thank you. We got a bit of rain around 4 this morning so I wonder if it hit you later. We needed it as we're about 4 inches short of rain for the year. It's cool today for a change but will be back into the triple digits come the weekend. Can't wait for fall! Have a wonderful day....
ReplyDeleteMaura :)
Sorry about the beetles-I guess once you have them it is hard to completely get rid of them. I see June bugs flying around but so far have noticed no Japenese beetles-they remind me of each other.
ReplyDeleteDH and I both had appts. for pedicures this morning. This is the second one for him and I made him an appt. for next month. He has some neuropathy in his feet (diabetic) and she is wonderful with her foot massages too.
DH had ran one of the tractors out of diesel fuel this morning so I helped him get it going when we got home.
Time for a nap and then we have two visitations at the funeral home later.
Hope you finally have something that will get rid of the beetles. I don't like using chemicals unless necessary but I think it's called for in your situation.
ReplyDeleteI just read your post aloud to my husband, we are paying attention to what works for you. We don't have the beetles yet this summer, but they will eventually get here and then it's like fighting fire. We've had so much rain this summer the gnats are really bad. What do you think would work for them? They swarm the doors at night when the lights are on and get inside. The next morning all the windowsills have to be vacumned.